Thursday, July 31, 2008

This is an emergency mom!

Hannah did what I have been fearing she might do . . . she called 911.
"Who me?? Well I figured only a fire hose could get all this cereal off of me!"
"Mom, don't get mad . . . I love you so much"
"Come on, it's not like they came racing to our house with lights flashing - they simply called you back to check on us. Now can you please clean me up - this cereal in my hair is really cramping my style"

Note: Although Hannah loves to play with the phone I'm usually good at keeping it out of her reach. Unfortunately, she found it! Thankfully as Hannah "told" you they just called me back to check on us. It scared me though because it was shortly after Brock left for work and I thought it was an accident or something. I will be better at keeping it UP!
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