Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Kristen is the BEST

Kristen is Madison's riding instructor and according to Madison "her best friend"! The kids just think that she is so great! I also agree - she does a great job and I am glad that Madison gets to work with her every week :-) Yesterday at Madison's lesson Isaac told me he wanted to stay with Kristen and live there. I said he better not because he would miss me too much. He said when he gets bigger and is a fireman he will live at Kristen's and be her fireman! He is so funny!!

Another funny Isaac story. He was playing with his motorcycle guy on the couch and the guy fell off the and we heard Isaac say (for his guy of course) in a real breathless voice after he landed on the ground, "thank you Jesus". Even in his playing he knows who to thank when there's a "close call" :-) Later that day we were going to DQ and he told us that Jesus was sitting by him and showed us where (in between he and Madison's carseat) Then when we arrived he said "Do you want to come in" then proceeded to tell us that Jesus did want to come in because He likes ice cream!
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1 comment:

  1. I can see why they love it out there! Funny story obout Isaac!
