Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Friends and Food

The kids and I had a fun day with Denise, Andi, Izyk and Berlin while the guys were riding for the weekend
Hannah is a little too busy guarding her chip to give a real smile (she and Berlin like to steal food from each other) :-)

Andi stayed the night and the girls were thrilled to make pancakes for dinner. At first Andi said, "pancakes . . . for dinner????" but was quickly game. Hmm. . . maybe everyone doesn't eat this for dinner every once and awhile.

They crack me up - such concentration pouring the batter out. You should have seen them flip the pancakes :-)

Even Isaac got to help - his form isn't quite perfected yet.
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  1. quite the talent :]
    i don't think I made pancakes till I was at least 12 and even then I wasn't the greatest =]

  2. Cute! Looks like they had a good weekend!
