Saturday, July 26, 2008

Enjoying Summer

We have had great weather lately. The summer started quite cool but has stayed in the 70s and 80s this month. We have had minimal mosquitos (which is AMAZING!) and it hasn't been too humid. It is so nice to be able to enjoy being outside.
I took the kids and a couple friends to the park for a picnic after story time at the library. Nice busy morning makes for a nice afternoon nap (for them not me unfortunately) :-)
Isaac and his friend Tiana - she is a year older than him but they play very well together. It must be because Isaac is so advance - Ha Ha!
Madison and Alika. They have been friends since we moved here. They are 7 months apart.
Madison has 2 webkinz that she takes with her EVERYWHERE! I see she has them tucked safely on the swing :-) As you can imagine they are horses!
Another great thing about summer - the food!