Saturday, July 19, 2008

# 1 - Go For a Ride

Go For A Ride
Hannah and Berlin getting ready to head on a walk with me, Rachel and Denise. Hannah cried most of the way (I don't know why she usually loves walks) and Berlin cried some of the way. I went on another walk and took Hannah again (giving her another try) and she cried most of the way again! On our last day at camp Denise and I went on a bike ride and it was a killer :-) There were so many hills! My legs were burning like crazy. It felt great to get some good exercise though and it was a beautiful trail - lots of trees and a couple lakes. I suffered the consequences of being out of shape for the next couple of days (the worse being my butt from the bike seat) :-)
Isaac getting a ride from Izyk. They rode like this last year at family camp so both were looking forward to going on a ride together :-)

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1 comment:

  1. Cute :) Berlin that is a cute name:)Hannah u big cry baby :) hahah J/K
