Sunday, September 14, 2008

Too busy to blog

We have been so busy and I have fallen way behind on the blog! We have been to WI one weekend and ND the next. We have been to see parents, sisters, brothers, cousins, friends, a new niece, been to my grandmothers 90th birthday, my uncle's funeral, had a yard sale, house showings, a canoe trip and much more in between. As you can see there is LOTS to catch up on. My goal is to be up to date by the end of this week!

Somehow I forgot to post these pics from Madison's VBS program at the beginning of August! Here she is with two of her friends, Abby and Alika being silly
She did such a great job at the program. She sang and did the motions with full emotion. She was not shy at all - it was so cute. It has been so fun to see her come out of her shy little shell more and more. I tried to get a video but my battery died!
After the program the kids looked so cute and were matching so I did a little photo session. It is so hard to get them all to smile at the same time! I love this picture because it shows the love of a big sister for her little brother and sister.
This ones funny too because Hannah looks terrified and Madison and Isaac are smiling away, oblivious to whatever it is that is scaring Hannah :-)
If I can't get them all together looking cute I guess I will have to do this . . . .


  1. Cute! I love the last 3 pictures!

  2. Boy, it has been an eventful few weeks! Good post! Hannah looks like you in the last picture.
