Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fawn Doe Rosa

One morning we took the kids to Fawn Doe Rosa, a little park with different animals to look at or feed (some loose and some in cages). Brock and I had been there before we were married and thought it was pretty fun. We wanted to be sure we came back some day and this has been our 2nd time back. The first time was a couple years ago so only Madison remembered it. They all had fun - Hannah was a bit hesitant of the animals and preferred to see them from a distance. The last time we were there we were following around by goats and they were pretty annoying and aggressive about our food bags. Well, this time it was the deer. They would follow us all over and really try to nose right in for the food. We eventually had to just ignore them and they would finally wander off to someone else. It was fun to see them so close and to pet and feed them but, too much begging gets old!
Poor Isaac is having a hard time shakin' that deer. The deer has been pushed off by all of us and it senses a pushover in Isaac! The kids had fun feeding the llama's - no one even got spit on! Yeah!
Hannah liked looking at the donkeys and horses, she seemed less hesitant around them - maybe because they are more familiar to her.
Isaac was so funny chasing the chickens. He never caught one but he sure did try. The sheep Isaac is feeding had a crazy blue tongue!
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