Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Flying Across the Water

We all had a blast going tubing behind the boat. The first day we had a regular tube (and that was fun) and the next day we had a DELUXE, FANCY tube (and that was sooo fun). I can't vouch for the first tube because I was content to sit in the boat. However, I can say the second tube got me hoppin' right in the water. Although it looks like Hannah went for a ride, she is only sitting in the tube! She probably could have gone on the big tube with us but I didn't want to do that - it was stressful enough just watching the two kids!
I was a bit hesitant going for a ride but it looked like fun and I was guaranteed a smooth ride! Although I didn't get a smooth ride, it was still so much fun. Madison and I screamed and squealed and laughed and laughed the whole time. I was certain we were going to flip right off on many occasions but my death grip paid off and we made it. There were several times where Madison was lifting up her hands and going "no hands" - it took me a long time to do that. I guess she is braver than I (I always knew that the minute she went on the roller coaster and Disney and I "volunteered to stay behind with Isaac" :-)
Isaac did good although didn't want to stay on for too long. He kept wanting to go faster and faster but didn't like the water getting in his eyes.
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1 comment:

  1. What fun! You guys HAVE had lots to blog about lately! Keeping busy!
