Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Say WHAT??

Isaac just said to me,
"Mom, I see Madison's guitar is a little bit dirty so I am trying to clean it with my tongue"

Another funny thing Isaac said:
We were all brushing our teeth one morning and he often spits in the toilet because he can't reach the sink. As he was standing by the toilet brushing his teeth he said, "Mom, sometimes I just rinse my toothbrush out in the toilet" In the midst of my gags I tried to calmly tell him why that was not a good idea. I quickly threw his toothbrush away and headed to Ben Franklin (yes, we do live in a small town!) and bought another one
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  1. It seems that kid sure keeps you on your toes! He is hilarious... and sure is cute too!

  2. SERIOUSLY! i can't get enough of the kid! :) i loved the song, too. he's gonna be big time. i liked the "how do you play?"one, too-you're so creative!

  3. Hilarious! I laugh (& cringe) often in rememberance of that story!

  4. Hilarious! I laugh (& cringe) often in rememberance of that story!
