Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Out on the water

It was so fun to go out on the boat. We enjoyed stopping for a swim, looking at all the amazing houses, tubing and mostly just enjoying the sun beating down on us and the beautiful scenery surrounding us. Isaac thought it was pretty cool when he got to drive. As you can see, he was doing it all by himself!
Hannah took a good nap one afternoon while we were out. I couldn't believe that she slept as we bounced and banged across the waves! When she was awake she got motion sick several times and puked. I didn't realize she was so sensitive - I guess she will be like Isaac! She did enjoy it though and never let her puking get her down!
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1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! Makes me jealous!I love to one of Madison floating. Also, Hannah sleeping is adorable. Lots of goodies!
