Liam holding Lyrik (Nicole's and Laura's), Bailey (Nicole's), Isaac and Liam, Jude smiling away (Cori's) and Hannah in her cute little outfit being shy
Grandma and Isaac and Hannah, Hannah and Uncle Shane, Grandma holding Brooklyn (my cousin's) and Abby, Violet (Bekah's) and Ira (Jesse's)
My uncle Gary and my dad - this picture has poor lighting but I loved it so put it in anyways. It makes me laugh because I can just hear them laughing! Kiaran (Laura's), Maggie (Nicole's) and Isaac playing in the kid's corner, my cousin Josh and my brother David, my mom and our good friend Sheila (holding Bekah's baby)
Great candid shots! Love them all - esp. the one w/ Dad & Gary - captures them perfectly!