Wednesday, September 24, 2008

In the Midst of Sadness . . . .

. . . . . is happiness

It is nice that time spent together - time with sisters, brothers, parents, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, nieces, nephews and friends - brings happiness even in the midst of sadness. We were all able to talk and laugh about memories shared (especially about Uncle Wayne) as well as create new memories together. We also had the opportunity to take lots of pictures :-)

Nicole, Shane, Bailey, Liam and Maggie
The big fam! This is the second whole family picture taken within 6 months! Unfortunately, it has been a funeral both times that has brought us all together. I don't know what was going on with my camera but all the pictures in this room were a bit fuzzy (maybe it was the lighting) I tried to sharpen them but this was the best I could do. Too bad we didn't stand in order but I guess that would have made it too easy for those of you who have the order memorized :-)
Back Left: Cori, Nicole, Bekah, me, dad, Levi, Jesse, David Front: Mom, Laura and Karmen
Another try with the fuzzy pictures!
My aunt Myrna and her family. Teresa, Myrna, Todd and Debbie (Todd's girlfriend)

My Uncle Allan and Aunt Jane and their family - Ashley, London and Josh.
My aunt Susan and cousins Ian, Shannon, Melissa and Allan Bruce
My uncle Wayne's kids - Scott, Christina and Eric


  1. Hi, I am Donn's daughter and I think all these pictures are very nice. It is nice to see the family that I haven't yet. I miss Wayne very much and you are all in my thoughts and prayers. It seems at these times is when we all end up together.
    LaPaige Bendickson
