Friday, September 26, 2008

A Gift

You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you. - Desmond Tutu

I love this quote - it is so true too. I can't imagine life without family - not only for myself but for the kids too! They love being with the cousins and grandpa and grandma as much as we love being with each other!

Nicole (my sister just younger than me), Isaac and Ruby (Bekah's daughter), Bailey (Nicole's) and Lyrik (Laura's) and Karmen (my youngest sister) and Hannah

Isaac and Kiaran (my sister Laura's son) had lots of fun together. They are 3 months apart and had their 1st sleepover. They were really cute - hyper of course but cute. They watched a movie at bedtime and then fell asleep. Such crazy positions they ended up in :-) I love this age where they think they can "read". They actually do pretty good at remembering what the pages say. Isaac really surprises us now and then with how quickly he memorizes a book!
The 4 youngest grandchildren - Georgia (2.5 months, Bekah's 4th child), Lyrik (8 months, Laura's 3rd), Hannah (15 mo) and Jude (15 mo, Cori's 4th). There are 2 more on the way (Levi's wife Rachel is having their 4th in November and Jesse's wife Julie is having their 2nd in April) That will be 23 grandchildren!!! Crazy huh
Grandpa, Grandpa, Grandpa - so much fun! Today on the list of activities with grandpa is airplane rides and computer time!
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  1. love it :)
    as well as your new layout!

    but the first thing (the quote im guessing) showed up as a bunch of symbols?

  2. Are you trying to pull a Jack and do a secret code? We decifered it. We win! What is the prize? Good quote! Love the layout!
