Saturday, May 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Hannah Grace

Our sweet little girl turned one today! When I look at these pictures it seems like yesterday and at the same time like a lifetime ago. What a little doll she has been since the day she was born. She was such a good little baby, mellow and happy. She continues to be both of those. She has been walking for a couple months so now really cruises around. She loves to play with the kids and gets so excited to see them. She is starting to recognize familiar faces and gets really. It is really cute to see. We thanked God for her and prayed over her from the moment we knew she was growing inside of me and continue to praise Him for her life. We thank Him for giving her to us and pray that He gives us the wisdom and ability to raise her to always love Him and serve Him.

Hannah was 8 lb 1.5 ounces and was born at 7:40 p.m. after approximately 10.5 hours of labor. She was alert and healthy and captured our hearts with her dark hair and piercing eyes.

My mom was there to help us welcome Hannah into this world. She has been at all 3 of our births and it is so nice and calming for me to have her there.

Hard to believe she has changed this much!!! She is such a little sweetheart - she is always filled with expression and is so smiley and happy

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  1. So cute to look back at the little Darling, how much she has changed. It's crazy that it has already been a whole year :) WOW time sure does fly by doesn't it. Lyrik is already almost 6 months, now that is crazy seems like I was just prego :)

  2. Great post!! Great pictures! She is adorable!

  3. i love all the pictures and seeing all that has taken place just in the past year (and past week!). happy birthday, hannah! wish i could be there to help celebrate--a belated party next weekend! :)

  4. Happy Birthday sweet Hannah!

    aunt Erika, uncle Chris and cousin Finn
