Monday, May 12, 2008

Fun Filled Days

We went to a farm to pick up some milk and the kids had fun seeing the animals. The highlight for all (even me) was seeing an albino horse. Isn't he pretty?

Chickens laying eggs - they didn't mind a bit when Madison pet them.

Hannah being a little show off wearing Violet's old outfit. Looks as cute on Hannah as it did on her, right Bekah? :-)

All the kids and their webkinz: Kate (and Susan), Madison (and Rogue & Shadow), Jack (and Rascal & Cody), Mary (and Sylvester), Isaac (and Rocky - somewhere) and Hannah (no webkinz for her Yet)

Who pays attention to detail? Be the first to spot something in one of these 5 pictures you would never see up north! (you can click individual pictures to make them larger if necessary)
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  1. more great pictures! that restaurant looks so nice and like a fun experience! (love the picture of isaac gazing) the houses look so cute...ofer cute! :) it's also so funny, again, to see hannah SO grown up! i just can't get over it! she's changed so much! it's so funny to see her in the pictures, too, because it looks like she now knows the right response for when you whip out the camera-SMILE! my guess for what you wouldn't see up north: swimming in early may!! (we're still in the low 50s!)

  2. Good guess - true indeed but not what I was thinking of. It is in one of the 5 pics from this post :-)

  3. Laura and I are on the phone and spotted a rebel flag, and that is definitely not something you'd see up north.

  4. Good job - you guys win the title of most detailed eyes :-)

  5. 2 heads together is always better than 1!

  6. just think, if i would have been there, I could have been in the pic of all the kids and their Webkinz =]
    i spotted the confederate flag even before I read the comments :]

  7. Ha Ha that would have been funny!! Good eye with the flag :-)
