Saturday, May 31, 2008

Hannah Playing Ball

Hannah has really changed alot in the last couple weeks - she is even more interactive - loves to play with the kids, does things to get reactions (will keep repeating if we laugh) like flop down on the bed or crawl behind the couch pillows, she makes funny faces just to be funny (like fish lips). She is starting to show her temper quite a bit also. If we are outside and I pick her up to bring her in she gets MAD. Thankfully, she is learning that just because she gets mad that doesn't mean she gets her way! She also gives great big hugs out of the blue - which is so adorable!


  1. Very cute! That is a good idea to play ball like that at this age.

  2. That is sooo cute how she is rolling it :) haha Isaac is so funny Good Job Hannah, what a nice brother :)
