Thursday, May 22, 2008

Goodbye Kate!

How nice to have such a helper around for a week. Kate was always doing stuff to help - watch Hannah, entertain her, get her in and out of her carseat, help Isaac, help cook and the list goes on. I wished I could have taken her home with me!
Madison had fun dressing in her matching dress to Kate and especially playing American Dolls with her. What a treat for her to have a nice big "sister" for a week!

Kate and her adorable little kitten Sox
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  1. Kate sure seems like a sweet little helper! I love the picture of Kate and Madison with their dolls in the big strollers!

  2. Is that my doll I see ???? And your clothes u made her??? Cute pic's,Kate is soooo Cori or what i have heard of her such a little helper.
