Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Goodbye Jude!

We will all miss seeing his big blue eyes and big cheesy smile :-) I could rarely get a picture of him with a normal smile because he would quickly smile really huge when he saw the camera (or even if he saw someone looking at him :-) How quickly they learn that :-) He is a happy little boy and has an adorable laugh (check it out for yourself)
He and Hannah got along good together and rarely even fought over a toy :-)

It was also alot of fun to be there to celebrate Jude's first birthday!! He enjoyed eating his cake and eventually picked the whole piece up and started chowing :-)
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  1. HAHA Cute :) Like Father Like SON :)

  2. He He, Laura - so true!! I have GOT to catch up on my posts! BTW, that was my post that was deleted. I was signed in as Jack.

  3. Jude sure is a cutie! Hannah and Jude have some resemblances in the picture where they're standing right next to each other, or so it seemed to me. :) (It must come from their beautiful moms!)
