Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Winter Wonderland - and almost May!

We arrived home from WI Sunday night to lots of snow! We left a nice green lawn and returned to a complete white lawn. The snow (for the first time all winter) was actually snowman material so the kids rushed out and each made a snowman.Madison's snowman. Cute kids and a cute snowman - that makes the snow worth it for . . . 1 second!
Here is Isaac's little one! Isn't it cute?
It was kind of a drag to have snow again - but it was nice for the kids to be able to play without being so COLD. With the cold, cold winter we had they didn't get much snow time.

Of course if good snowmen can be made so can good SNOW BALLS!!
"AAAAHHHH, you got me!"
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  1. Wow! I can't believe how much snow there is! Unreal! Only a few more days until the white sand beaches!

  2. way to take advantage of snow time guys! (don't encourage it or anything!) :) we should have a race...who gets rid of their snow first!

  3. p.s. i have also been enjoying your verse/quotes.

  4. Crazy, snow in April:) We had some snow too but not that much and it pretty much gone right away.

  5. sometimes i wish we had snow. i just love hitting other people with snowballs!
