Monday, April 21, 2008

Farewell Tooth #7

Madison has been working on her loose tooth for a while now and finally is making some progress. We have been prodding her along because the permanent tooth that belongs in this spot is already half way up!

Watching and twisting :-)
Time to bring in the big guns! Isn't that funny how she is covering her eyes? :-)
No tears but lots of blood! Brock had her count to 3 and pulled it out on 2 and she said it didn't even hurt :-) Now she is off to write a note to the tooth fairy - she want to ask "it" if it is a boy or a girl :-)
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  1. Wow Madison sure is Brave and Strong :) Looks Painful :(

  2. yikes madison! that sure was bloody! you're a tough cookie.

  3. Yikes! Good job Madison! My kids would be flipping out over all that blood!
