Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Green Beans Anyone?

Hannah doesn't like to eat much - here is her first try with raw green beans. Fortunately, she loves bananas and sweet potatoes so I can get her to eat things she doesn't like by mixing them with one of those two. She likes to pick up food and eat it so we are trying lots of different things, hopefully we will find a big hit so eating isn't such a drag (for her and me)


  1. HAHA that's to funny :) She looked like she was gunna smack jerself in the face when she was waving bye bye.

  2. That is so cute and funny! I love the spitting and choking thing. And yet she keeps on eating. Funny girl!

  3. it's so funny that she spits them out yet keeps eating them! it's fun to see her little personality coming out more and more!
