Monday, April 21, 2008

Taking after Grandpa . . . again!

Isaac is a huge talker! He talks to anyone and everyone. The other day we went on a walk and he was on his bike. I had the hardest time keeping him focused so he wouldn't crash because he was waving at so many people (none of which we knew) I kept asking him, did they wave at you Isaac. He always said they did (whether they did or not I don't know) :-) We have wondered where this talkative streak (and constant friendliness) has come from because neither Brock or I were like him when we were young (according to our moms) A friend pointed it out one day - he is like my dad!! My dad is a huge talker too! So we have discovered another way Isaac takes after grandpa (my dad) - he falls asleep anywhere. Here are a few examples (if I had more time I could dig up many pictures of my dad to go along with these in the various places we have seen him sleeping in)

This was Saturday night - he had played outside all day and had missed his nap because we were at friends. I looked over and there he was - totally zonked!

This is from September 07 - we had been out to a friends cabin and gotten lots of exercise and fresh air!
Here he is May '07, yes he is sleeping!!!
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