Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Day by Day

This is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it - Psalm 118:24
I thought this was a good verse for today - after one week of crabby-teething-don't put me down or I will scream-oh am I supposed to be sleeping at night Hannah I feel more like screaming than rejoicing :-) Reading good verses really helps though and always reminds me that God knows what He is doing - ALWAYS - and even if I don't feel like I can handle it He KNOWS I can handle it so that is enough for me . . . off I go to enjoy the rest of my day :-) Hope you enjoy yours!

Madison and Nicki in their matching outfits
Isaac and Madison and their "cheesy" smiles
How can you be upset with this sweet adorable little girl? I know, I can't either!
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  1. hey...that's one of my favorite verses that i just read a couple days ago! definitely inspirational. cute pics. of the kids--i LOVE those cheesy smiles. (you can do that with orange peels as well. of course, i've NEVER done that!) :) if i could, i would come take all of your kids for the day...next time i'm home. (and you still have like 3 or 4 free hours left!) :) i'll be praying for some solid rest for all of you.

  2. I LOVE Madison and Nikki's dress! Too bad you are so busy, you could start yourself a little buisiness!
