Friday, February 8, 2008

8 months old and . . . .


"Wow, look at all this stuff!"
"Hmmm, can I have this applesauce instead of avacado - it looks alot better"

"If I look as cute as I can they seem to let me keep doing what I'm doing"
"Wow, this drawer looks as fun as the cupboard!"

"Jackpot! Scrapbooking and school supplies, this will be fun"
"Oh, you don't like it when I get into this?"

"I see my mom getting papers out of here, lets see what I can get - I love to chew on paper!"
"This file looks particularly good - I could really create a mess with this one!"

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  1. it seems hannah thinks you have too much down time! :) ha! funny to see her face when she notices she's been caught. my mom has some pictures of me like that, but i was more like 3 or something, not 8 months!

  2. Oh my goodness, she looks so old standing up and getting into things. What cute expressions!

  3. so cute! i love how you got the pics with her getting into things!
    jude is starting to do the same thing.

  4. GREAT pictures!! Great way to capture this stage! Jude has been trouble with a capital "T" lately doing those types of things. I guess it is pretty cute, though!
