Madison and Isaac are always cracking me up with their playing. They make their animals, toys, guys, trucks, small bugs (ladybugs usually) or whatever it is they are playing with at the moment do all sorts of crazy things.
I am not sure what Isaac is up to here, looks like his furry friends are having a dinner party, maybe they are pooling their money together to see if they can afford lizard for dinner or maybe they are all watching while Isaac dissects the lizard with the aid of his handy dandy head lamp. Whatever they are up to doesn't look too good for the lizard - he is trying to run off the "table" screaming :-)
It is school time for Madison but I guess being the only one in the class can get old sometimes so she decided Rogue and Nicki could join in. They both have perfect desks and perfect chairs :-) I did notice that she made them do her least favorite subjects (phonics) and kept her favorite (math) for herself :-)
Looks like she even made Isaac a little desk and gave him the alphabet game to "study" Naturally, Hannah is interested in what is going on - it must be all the noises and bright lights from Isaac's "school book"
In addition to being creative little kiddos they are good helpers too. They are always willing to help in the kitchen (not so eager to help with cleaning for some reason) and today are helping me make some baby food for Hannah - green beans. They washed and snapped the beans for me and thought it was "SO FUN". Unfortunately, after all our work Hannah didn't love the green beans but lucky for her we made plenty so she will get used to them :-)