Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Women's (and babies) Retreat

A couple weekends ago I went to women's retreat at our church camp and had a blast! I took Hannah with me and Brock stayed home with Madison and Isaac. I left Friday morning (about 3.5 hours away) and returned early evening on Sunday. It was such a treat to be able to really focus on God and spend time learning more about Him, to have prepared meals, a beach and just be with friends. I am so glad I had the opportunity to go.

My friend Denise also has a little girl Hannah's age and she brought her with. It was fun for the girls to "play". Greta works there so it was great to get to see her also!! During Chapel she and a few other counselors took the girls out for some fun and left us to enjoy the speaker (sooo nice - thanks Greta, Cassie, Amy and Pam!!)
The weather wasn't great but we still sat on the beach and enjoyed what sunshine there was. Hannah of course liked being in the sand.
Barb, Hannah and Greta
Hannah spending some time in thought :-)
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  1. sounds like you had a good time!
    hannah is wearing the hat we gave her!

  2. Looks like lot's of fun :) It's sooo pretty their !!!!

  3. CUTE pics of Hannah! She looks just like Isaac in the last picture! Sounds like a great time!
