Wednesday, June 11, 2008

First Birthday Celebration

Although Hannah's birthday was May 24th we celebrated it while my parents were visiting. She was very excited and aware of fact that whatever was going on revolved around HER and she enjoyed the spotlight :-)

"Are you serious, these are really for ME!"
"Wow, this is too much - you really shouldn't have!"
"My mom never stops putting that thing in my face, I finally figured out that if I smile right away she stops. If I can get her to stop I can see what all these presents are!"
"I guess that didn't work, she wants me to wear this silly hat that she found in Madison's toys"
"Okay, I think she is finally ready to let me dive in to the bags!"
She was excited to put on her new poncho from grandma Mary! She looks so cute in it and she kept on flipping it up and down. She thought that was pretty funny. She also received an orange dress from Val and Sheldon that happened to match perfectly with the poncho. She wore them to church on Sunday and looked adorable - and got tons of compliments :-)
Hannah loves books and is really thrilled with this one

Another great book! Fun!!
Now time for the cake. Hannah has never eaten cake or anything with sugar (other than natural sugar like fruits) so I wasn't sure what kind of cake to make. I decided to do plain whip cream and strawberries for the "frosting" and do an angel food cake. She loved the strawberries and whip cream but didn't want anything to do with the cake. She did finally taste the cake but she wasn't a fan. That is fine with me - stick to the good stuff instead! :-)
She is signing "eat". It was so funny because right when she saw the cake she looked at Brock and started signing EAT EAT. Cute!!

Now she is signing "More" She is liking what she is eating and want more more more :-)


  1. cute!
    wish I could have been there!
    I remember when I was there for Isaac's first birthday, when he was going nuts over the cake :]

  2. cute! all of us exept jude weren't to crazy over the cake enther.

  3. haha sooo cute :) Cute pic's it was like looking at a slide show :)When Lily was 1 and ate her first cake she put her whole face right in it:)

  4. SO cute!! I love the look that she has when sitting on the table - like she is amazed - and HAPPY- to be the center of attention!
