Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Count your Blessings

When I was younger I remember listening to that song, "Count your blessing name them one by one. Count your blessings see what God has done". Whenever it said "name them one by one" my mom would start naming off the kids - Cori, Bekah, Amber, Nicole, Levi, Jesse, Laura, David, Karmen. Another memory was hearing my dad say, on many occasions, that he could have had a fancy car but he chose to have kids instead. These are memories that remain - years later - and just a few ways that my parents taught me, as a child, that children are a blessing. Now, I am reaping the benefits of this simple truth and enjoying "our blessings" and I couldn't feel more blessed than when I look at these three kiddos! Thank you mom and dad for showing us all the proper perspective on these gifts from God!
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  1. Very true! Good memories ! Good pics.

  2. Good post :) and cute pictures.

    Can't believe someday I'll have my own 'blessings'

  3. That is so neat, you know the funny thing about that. I remember my mom singing that song and my dad saying something very similar to what your dad!


  4. Good thought-thanks for sharing! Mom just told me about Isaac's "bad dream" cute!
