Monday, March 3, 2008

Madison Joy

Madison is our sweet, sensitive, cuddly, deep thinking, creative little girl. She is in first grade and I am homeschooling her. I can't imagine giving this special time with her to a stranger. I really love homeschooling. She is usually eager to learn and is especially good in math. She loves to listen to stories from the Bible and also loves it when I read the Bible to her (even if she can't understand what is going on) She is always asking me hard questions about God and often shares her love for Him. It is so cute. She will say "I just love God so much" out of the blue. She came into our room in the middle of the night and said she wanted to tell me something cool. She said she woke up and could hear a beeping sound in her head. She wondered what it was then she suddenly remembered she had forgotten to pray that night so she said I prayed then the noise was gone. She said she knew it was God reminding her to pray :-) It is exciting to see her have a real grasp on not only His love for her but her love for Him.

Madison has the cutest laugh ever, it is so contagious and when she really gets going you just can't help but laugh right along with her

Madison loves horses and Nicki (her doll) She saved money for her doll and is in the process of saving for a horse :-) She is already smart with her money and goal setting :-) Lucky for her she won't have to do Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover when she is older :-)

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1 comment:

  1. So sweet! Great story! Love the pictures. So nice to see her developing a sweet, receptive spirit!
