Saturday, March 29, 2008

I Break for Pictures

Brock wondered how I get things done in the day with all the pictures I take :-) You should see him exercise his patience when we are out doing something and I am holding everyone up with pictures :-) (remember Disney World Greta?) We were all ready to go for a walk and I couldn't resist taking a few pictures of Hannah. Doesn't she look adorable!? I got another batch of super cute clothes from Bekah when I was in ND so it has been fun trying on all her "new" things, Thanks Bekah!!

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  1. Hannah looks SO cute! How nice that you get such great hand-me-downs! I fondly remember the picture taking memories! :) Just think, if we would not have taken all those pictures we wouldn't be able to go back and look at all the fun times we had! Way to be a memory capturer!

  2. she is so cute! i love how she is looking at you in the last one. i can't wate for you to come visit!

  3. Adorable! I love that bright smile!

  4. She looks just like u when u, or some pic that I saw of u when u were little :)
