Friday, November 7, 2008

We have Arrived

We made it to MT on October 31st about 11 p.m. (MN time) It was a long journey but we had perfect weather and no problems on the road. We were very thankful and tired when we finally pulled into the driveway of our soon to be new home!

We were finally ready to hit the road - hours and hours later than we anticipated. We took a few last pictures before leaving
Our UHaul was huge! It was filled to the max too (and I am embarrassed to admit we still have another load left!) Brock also pulled a trailer behind it so it was quite the big rig. I was going to be pulling our trailer and was very nervous about it because I had never done it before. Thankfully, Brock did what he could to get it behind the U haul. I was sooo happy and relieved! What a man :-) He had Madison with him and I had Isaac and Hannah. It was really hard to say goodbye to friends and our life in MN and was a very emotional drive. It was helpful to be alone in the car - let it all out :-) Of course the biggest help of all is knowing (without a shadow of a doubt) that we are doing what God wants for us. He has provided peace throughout the whole process and sustained us physically and emotionally as we worked like crazy to get packed up and on our way. We had friends that we couldn't have done without - they helped us TONS! Moving was way harder than I ever expected!

We are in awe of the beauty that surrounds us here. Our rental house has a perfect view of the mountains. Here is the view the first day we were here. I love how the clouds are hovering at the top! We live right across from a park, which has been really fun for the kids.
Here is the view from our porch looking down the street
Yesterday the mountains were covered with snow and the sky so clear I couldn't resist taking a picture. Every time I walked by the front window I was captivated by the beauty.
I read this in my devotions this morning and loved it:
"Only the Creator of the universe can know the true needs of His creatures and provide for their ultimate fulfillment"
God is working in our lives in ways that don't always seem "right" to us. I know that my "right" is subjective to my own feelings - what makes me happy, what is comfortable etc. I find comfort in the fact that He is the only one who truly knows what is "right" for my life and His "right" isn't subjective to anything - that is true peace to me!
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  1. Still can't believe you guys are only 6.75 hours away!! Can't wait to catch up soon!

  2. I am happy to hear you made it. Thanks for being a great friend. Your family has many special gifts to offer take care!


  3. After all these years, we might actually be close enough to meet half way and do a weekend get away with the kids - only 6 SHORT hours a part :)! I've been thinking a lot about your family. I will continue to keep you in my prayers as you get settled in and start your new life. God is doing great things, just watch . . .

  4. It looks amazing! I can't believe you get to live there and see that everyday. Hope you don't mind visitors because I'll be there often. :) Just thought I'd let you know what's going on here: we got snow today and gas is $1.99! Sweet deal. Talk to you soon....thanks for the email update. Much love.

  5. Wow - amazing view!
    I can't wait to visit!

  6. It is SOOO beautiful!!! I am jealous! No, I really am happy for you!

  7. It is so exciting to think that next time we drive to Bozeman we get to see you too! I'm glad the move went smoothly and that you were able to immediately move into a house.

  8. Hi Amber! Just wanted to let you know I was browsing your blog and read what you wrote here about God's "right" and our "right" when my sister called and said her water broke and I needed to head over to be with them during her labor. This paragraph perfectly put into words some of the testing that went on. I reread it again today with tears...God is so GOOD! Monica delivered a 9lb. 8oz. girl, Lara Danielle. All did not go according to plan, but God is just that, GOD! and He is enough!He's the expert at the ultimate fulfillment! Thanks for sharing!
    Janelle (Isaac) Mast
