Monday, November 24, 2008

18 Months Ago . . . .

This sweet adorable little girlie was born! She is growing up so fast.
She is becoming quite the little talker and tries to say most things. Unfortunately, less than half of them are decipherable. Oh well, she is trying and we can usually tell what she means :-)
She is a happy little girl and spends most of her time roaming around playing. She isn't a mama's girl (usually) and does a great job of entertaining herself. She loves to follow the kids around and do what they do.
Aren't her little curls so adorable! She loves to put this hat on (any hat for that matter) and after seeing her cute little curls peaking out I couldn't resist taking a picture (or I mean many pictures)

We are all definately in love with this little lady!
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  1. the pictures are all SO cute!
    I can't believe she's that old already!

  2. Sooo cute!! Love the curls! Love the pics!
