Sunday, November 16, 2008

Farewell Photos

It has been really hard for me to update the blog - to post all these pictures of friends that were so hard to say goodbye to. It has been 2 weeks and it hasn't gotten any easier so I might as well just get it done :-)

Madison and Kristen - her riding teacher and friend. She is such a nice girl, Madison was sooo lucky to spend time with her each week.
Alika, Madison and Brittney. Alika was not born yet when we first moved to MN and Brittney was a little girl. How fun for the girls to get to grow up together! :-)
"Grandma" Elizabeth and the kids. When we first moved to MN we lived in the same apartment building as Elizabeth. She was instantly a grandma to Madison and a friend to Brock and I. What a blessing she was to us when we had no family or no grandma nearby for the kids :-) We continued to stay in touch even when we moved and she will always be "Grandma Elizabeth"
Madison and Andi (holding her tiny tiny turtle) They were instant friends when they met 1 1/2 years ago at Bluewater Bible Camp. Although they live 1 hour away from us, they got to see each other quite a bit
Madison and Alika (in tree), Isaac (or I mean BibleMan), Brittney and Tianna playing in the back yard shortly before we took off
What little cuties! Tianna is almost 1 year older than Isaac but they play together great.
The benefit of only making it to Fargo the first day was we got to hang out with Greta!! Greta was Madison's first babysitter (over 7 years ago!!) and our HUGE helper when we were opening the theatre! She was the ever present positive force when we were about to give up (the word "chairs" still sends a shiver down our back and brings laughter to all who experienced it with us!) She is like family to all of us and is appropriately called "Greta the Great"!! :-)
Isaac was "as tired as he'll ever be" so couldn't pull himself off the bed for the pic!
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  1. I have been anxiously waiting for an updated post :). I know how hard it is to move, whether it's to a house right next door, another town, or in your case, another state. A new community, new friends, a new church, a new house, a new grocery store (that's always the hardest adjustment :), the list goes on... But remember, you are one step a head of so many other people, you have the Lord to guide you through this transition. You have been in our thoughts and prayers and selfishly, we are excited to have you closer to the Black Hills - maybe we can FINALLY hang out again - it's only been 7 years :)?!?!?!

  2. Please know that, although these people had an impact on you, you were also a HUGE blessing to all of them and made a big impact in the community Roseau in just a short amount of time.

  3. These are great pictures Amber. I can't imagine how hard it must be to make such a big move and pretty much start over new, but you are an amazing woman/mother and you will do wonderful in this new place. I am sure you will make new friendships and so will the kids. All the more people who get to love you and experience the great person you are! :)

  4. Great pictures. I can't really say I know how you feel considering I haven't moved since I was 4, but I'm sure this is all really tough. It's even a little sad for me, considering the months at a time I stayed with you guys and getting to know some of the people in these pictures and Roseau itself because of it.
    I'll remember to pray for you guys through this transition. :)

  5. Good pictures! I'm with Karmen and feeling sad too. I can imagine how hard it is, but you are right that the Lord is leading. I will pray!

  6. Good pictures! I'm with Karmen and feeling sad too. I can imagine how hard it is, but you are right that the Lord is leading. I will pray!

  7. Good pictures! I'm with Karmen and feeling sad too. I can imagine how hard it is, but you are right that the Lord is leading. I will pray!

  8. Good pictures! I'm with Karmen and feeling sad too. I can imagine how hard it is, but you are right that the Lord is leading. I will pray!
