Monday, October 20, 2008

Race Day

There was a race (Hare Scramble) nearby that Brock decided he wanted to run. We never expected Madison would want to, but she was immediately excited. She does have a motorcycle but thought 4 wheels would be best for her first try :-) She rode a 90cc Yamaha of our friends, the Strege's, who also raced that weekend.

The kids race consisted of a winding section through a field as well as a motocross course. The all did 3-4 laps. Madison did 3 laps and rode approximately 45 minutes. Brock rode along with her most of the time and also helped her get started.

Off she goes!!

There they are!! Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of the motocross section, but according to Madison - it was the best part of the race! She loved riding up and down the jumps. Her machine died once in this area and she was afraid the other motorcycles were going to jump over her!
Madison right after the race - she was very tired! She said her thumb was really sore from the throttle, but also that she had alot of fun! Madison's friend Andi also raced but she rode her motorcycle. It was so fun for her to be able to experience her first race with her friend!Award time! Madison got a trophy for 3rd place. She was BEAMING! We were very proud of her for trying something she has never done before and enjoying herself in the process.
Andi got 2nd place!! Good job Andi!
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  1. These are great pictures! I'm so impressed by Madison and her willingness to try new things! She has come out of her shell SO much and is quite the little lady.

  2. That is great Madison! Good job!!
