Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Stockings Were Hung . . .

As we were putting up our Christmas stuff we were really missing our fireplace. Hmm . . . where should we hang our stockings?? Brock had a bright idea to make a fireplace so the work began. As you can see everyone (except me who was to busy taking pictures) was helping - even Hannah. Although in this picture Isaac is off in la la land instead of coloring, he did make it back to reality here and there and do some coloring :-)
The finished results - we wrapped it around our sofa table and voila - a fireplace complete with a mantle!
The kids wanted to warm up by the fire right away and Isaac being the clown that he is decided he needed to try to make us laugh by warming up his back side. I think he got a bigger laugh out of it than we did :-)
He is probably still laughing at himself :-)

I guess I got to take a picture of the kids by the fireplace after all!


  1. You guys are so creative! It looks really good!

  2. That is so neat! I would never have thought of that! Maybe one day, we will do something clever like that!

  3. My how clever you guys are! It looks great!!
