We got the kids a Wii for Christmas but let them open all their other gifts first. It was so funny though because the first present they opened was a Mario Kart game. They were all so excited, it never ocurred to them that this wasn't that great of a present because we didn't have a Wii. They didn't seem to even think about that, they were content to take the game over to grandpa and grandma's and play :-)

Madison loved her horse trailer and jeep and Isaac loves his playmobil vehicle and dinosaur set. They both got it out right away and started putting it together and getting it all set up.
Nearly an hour passed while the kids played up a storm with their new playmobil stuff before we told them there was one more gift to open. While the kids seemed completely content to take their Wii games over to other people's houses to play we thought we better let them know they didn't have to do that. :-) They were very excited to see that they did, in fact, get a Wii of their own! Brock and I had already snuck it out of the box several nights earlier to try it out (make sure it was an okay gift and all) :-) We thought it was a blast too and were sure they would like it. We have had tons of fun with it - playing tennis, boxing and bowling have been the favorites.

Madison loved her horse trailer and jeep and Isaac loves his playmobil vehicle and dinosaur set. They both got it out right away and started putting it together and getting it all set up.
Nearly an hour passed while the kids played up a storm with their new playmobil stuff before we told them there was one more gift to open. While the kids seemed completely content to take their Wii games over to other people's houses to play we thought we better let them know they didn't have to do that. :-) They were very excited to see that they did, in fact, get a Wii of their own! Brock and I had already snuck it out of the box several nights earlier to try it out (make sure it was an okay gift and all) :-) We thought it was a blast too and were sure they would like it. We have had tons of fun with it - playing tennis, boxing and bowling have been the favorites.
glad you guys are enjoying it! The mario kart one is lots of fun with the wheel :) although I always manage to lose!