Even Isaac and Madison got into the boxing. Or should I say Isaac got into the boxing. As you can see Madison DID NOT want to do it. Yes, that is her pouting and saying, "Nnnnoooooo, I don't want to do it, dad" Isaac on the other hand went crazy boxing right from the get go. He kept inching closer and closer to the tv until we were sure he was going to bash it. He needs to do this more often to release his pent up energy :-)
Playing the Wii wasn't just a one time event, we got crazy with it day after day at both our house and Matt and Donna's :-) Wow, check out the bowling moves of these guys!! Such concentration to accomplish the perfect release!
Chris and Brock's turn to play tennis. They had some awesome games - tons of back and forth. Chris mastered the mega-fast serve but kept the technique from Brock until just before they left :-)
By the way, please ignore the messy basement. We were busy playing we can't be expected to pick up the toys too now can we?
Yes, another boxing match. We all played and played until we were SORE - either from the actual physical work or laughing!
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