Once again, I am in shock over that fact that another year has come and gone. As if the shock of Madison turning 8 wasn't enough - Isaac turned 4 the next day! What a sweet little happy guy he is (and always has been). While Madison has a contagious laugh, Isaac has a contagious smile. It lights up his face and you can't help but smile back. :-) Little did we know how well his name would fit him when we first decided on Isaac (which means laughter)
Now for another stroll down memory lane! Isaac was due October 8th, the same day we moved into our house. My sister Cori (and her 2 kids Kate and Jack), my mom and Brock's mom all came to help us get settled into our new house and hopefully be there for the birth. No promises after Madison's extremely late arrival :-) I was so determined to go into labor naturally and wanted that so bad that when my doctor encouraged me to be induced I cried. I am sure he and his nurse were baffled, most people can't wait to be done and jump up for joy when their doctor will finally induce them! :-) We came in the next morning at 8 a.m. and during the exam my water broke! I had a slight panic attack - my heart started racing, I got light headed and thought I was going to puke. It makes me laugh to think about it - was it fear, shock, excitement - who knows :-) My labor was slow and I didn't make much progress. By the next day around noon I was a 5-6. However, at my next check a couple hours later I was told I was a 4. I just about started crying, I felt myself deflate. I didn't think I could do it any longer. My doctor came in and realized the water hadn't fully broken so he broke it. After that, labor was FAST FAST FAST. It was intense and hard to catch my breath. I had him less than 2 hours after my water broke. So, after 33 hours of labor (some quite "easy" of course) I finally had a baby - a boy at that! We were so excited. He was healthy and cute as can be! He weighed 8 lb 2.5 ounces and once again I could see God's hand in the whole things. My labor was so slow in the beginning it gave Brock and I time together that was priceless, my sister Cori was leaving that evening but was able to be in there for the birth, Brock's mom got to experience her first birth and the arrival of her 2nd grandchild, my mom was there again (she has been at most of the births in our family), I had an awesome christian doctor who was a good friend of ours, I had great nurses who followed my birth plan without much fuss :-) and I had a completely drug free labor and delivery. God was Good!!Here is the little darling shortly after birth. He looks so serious with his furrowed eyebrows :-) He had quite a bit of dark hair under his hat :-)

Now, for who he is today . . . .
Isaac is a little character - he makes us laugh nonstop. Whether it is stuff he says or things he does, it is always funny. He doesn't usually try to be funny - he just is.
He loves to sing, his favorite songs are "Go Tell it on the Mountain", "One Way", "Awesome God" and "Days of Elijah"
He loves to "play" any instrument he can get his hands on (at least he thinks he is playing) He is actually pretty good at it and I am sure will be playing for real before we know it
He is a boy all the way - he loves guns, motorcycles, loud noises (coming from anything including himself), knights and "fighting guys" as he calls them, firetrucks, cars, tools and on and on
He isn't much of a snuggler ("okay mom you can go now" is his famous line when I try to snuggle with him in bed) :-) but he is a complimentor and is often tellingus how much he loves us
He thinks Madison hung the moon and he is loving his role as protector of Hannah
He is 3 ft 2.5 inches and 32 lbs (he has grown 3.5 inches and gained 4.5 lbs. this year)
He adores Brock and thinks he is the strongest guy in the world (and then he thinks he is next) :-)
He is determined to learn how to ride his bike without training wheels so he can ride a motorcycle :-)
Once again, we are blessed beyond measure by God and thank Him for giving us yet another child to care for and adore
How well I remember Isaacs birth! What a great memory! Can't believe it has been 4 years.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Isaac!
ReplyDeleteCan't believe he's already 4 ! I remember his first or second (?) birthday when he was going crazy with the cake :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Isaac! He sure is a cute guy, just the few stories you have shared make me laugh! :)