I can't believe that Madison is 8!!! Something about 8 sounds so much older than 7 - or maybe I think that about every age that comes and goes. I wish I had a baby picture of her to put on but . . . she was born long before I had a digital camera! Wow, that does make her sound old :-) I could scan a picture but they are packed right now - I will post a picture of the sweet little baby Madison Joy some other day :-)

When we found out we were going to have a baby we were SO EXCITED! I had a great pregnancy and loved experiencing her growing inside. I was due September 16th and was SURE I would have her near that date (I had several contractions a month earlier and was already slightly dilated). I rushed my family along and they arrived on my due date - my mom (with my younger sister and brother Karmen and David), my older sister Cori and her two children and my older sister Bekah. All the rushing was not necessary as we waited around for 3 1/2 weeks (yes WEEKS) for her to be born. I wanted an entirely natural birth so was very opposed to being induced. I actually enjoyed the weeks (I was probably the only one!) because I was having fun with my family and was a little scared of the whole birth process and didn't mind putting it off :-) However, by Oct. 4th I was convinced (by my dr) it would be good to be induced. So . . . we headed off the the hospital expecting to be home soon with our baby. We were home that night, however, not with a baby. The pitocin didn't work. We tried induction two more times. None of them worked. Around 5 pm on October 11th (and our 3rd attempt at pitocin) my doctor told me if I wanted to deliver in St. Peter (a smaller town with a small hospital - which I really wanted) then I needed to let her break my water. So, we did and labor took right off. I had her the next morning at 5:40 a.m. It was slow and steady, similiar to what I had prepared for (Husband Coached Childbirth classes) and I was very happy with it. I had little interruptions from the nurses or dr, had soothing music, nice dark room, no drugs and Brock and my mom and sister (Cori had to leave earlier) all there. Unfortunately, she stopped breathing a couple hours later while I was holding her. Brock ran her to the nurses station and I sat in the room waiting, praying, wondering and crying. I didn't know if she was alive or not. It was very scary. After Brock's return I found out they were able to get her breathing again and were doing tests on her to see what was wrong. Soon, my mom and sister, Brock's mom and her husband and his dad and his wife arrived. It was awesome to have family with us as we waited and wondered about her health and what was wrong with her. After a couple hours they wanted to transfer her to Minneapolis because they didn't have the staff to monitor her and didn't know what was wrong with her. The ambulance rushed in and took her away and would not let anyone ride with her. I was released from the hospital because I had had such a great birth (God's planning of course) and was able to head there with Brock and his dad (1 hour away) I remember the worst moment of the trip was while we were stopped at the gas station before leaving town and the ambulance went flying by with flashing lights and sirens. I knew it was our baby inside and it was a killer! It was a long, painful, scary trip and I had no idea what would greet me on the other side. As always, we could see God's hand in the fact that we had so many family members there with us. After 3 days in the NICU she was released. She had excess fluid in her stomach and once it was all drained out (through a tube in her nose) she seemed to do well. We were so thrilled to be heading home with her that I never asked too many questions about the cause etc. We have never taken for granted the fact that she remained healthy and still is! I felt God's care and peace through it all and actually have a harder time thinking back on it than I did while in the midst of it. It is amazing how God prepares you for tough things and sustains you through it. He has continued to carry us through tough times and He has made all the difference in our lives.

I wanted to be sure to journal "her" at this moment in time but was having a hard time putting it in words :-) Because I do not get to scrapbook as much as I would like and am WAY behind this has to be my "scrapbook" and where I keep track of important things. What is more important than your LITTLE girl turning EIGHT!!! So, this is her -
She loves horses, she reads about them, draws them, dreams about them and is saving her money for one!
She also loves to draw. She is very good too. She has been spending a couple hours a week with a lady from our church who is talented at drawing, clay, painting etc. She loves to go over there and anticipates it all week. They are two peas in a pod and Madison comes home with all sorts of creative projects they have done together.
Madison is extremely creative in her playing and thinks of things I never would have. She creates horses, halters, wagons, saddles, houses, stables, beds and on and on out of anything and everything.
She takes very good care of her doll Nicki and treats her like a real person. She saved her money (chore money, yard sales money and b-day/christmas money) to get her and she is very proud of that fact :-) She loves to dress her and fix her hair (and she especially likes to do hers the same way)
Madison is doing great in school although doesn't love it. She is very good at math and whizzes right through it. She also really likes science and doing experiments.
She is a good big sister and helps with Hannah and plays with Isaac a lot. However, like most big sisters the play goes best if he is willing to play what she wants! :-) As he is getting older that isn't going as well, he has his own ideas. When they used to play she would tell him what to do and say! It was hilarious, she would say "you say - okay horsey lets go here" and Isaac would say it. Then she would say something and then say "okay you do this and say this . . . ." What a compliant little boy he was - he would do that forever. Not so much anymore - now he says, "no thanks!"
Madison is an animal and insect lover - all except spiders
She is quite shy although she continues to surprise us with her boldness :-)
She is very loving and sweet and a little nurturer. She has always been full of compliments, loves to give hugs and snuggle and is the best little "nurse" when we are sick. She runs all over just to get us what we need, ice, water, blanket, vitamins etc. It is so sweet to see her, always asking if we are okay, if we need anything and jumping to do it. It is so cute because if you even say oww or grimace she is right there making sure you are okay!
Madison is 4 ft. 1.5 inches and 47 pounds. She has grown 3 inches this year and gained 5 pounds!
We are blessed beyond belief by her and thank God for entrusting her to us!