Another room we recently finished was our bedroom. I forgot to take a before picture but was able to find one I had taken when we first looked at the house to buy. It doesn't look anything like our room as far as the furniture and decorations but it shows the walls and curtains, which changed a lot.

We painted the walls and got new curtains

We painted the walls and got new curtains
Here is the before picture of the other side of the room. This is from 2 years ago when we closed off a closet in the kid's room and opened it up in our room.

Looking into our room from the hallway. If only I had a before picture so you could truly appreciate (as we do) the change. Our chaotic, messy, too-white, messy and did I say messy room is now so peaceful and clean and simple. I love it :-)
I love it! You guys have done a great job! Wish I could be there!