We are experiencing weekend freedom after 5 years of being physically or mentally tied to the theatre and it feels great! It has been an awesome experience owning the theatre and we really enjoyed it. However, we knew that it was time to be done and were ready to move on. It took a lot of praying and time to be "ready" (for me at least) but I am so glad that we sold it. I didn't realize that even though it was a good experience and was a profitable business it still had became a burden. We do not close on the sale until July 1st. I am going to post some pictures of what we started with and what it became :-)
We now have some time to do some projects on our house that are long overdue. There was some ceiling damage in one of the bedrooms that needed repair so . . . "Dad, how would you like to visit???" :-) We also took off all the wallpaper (check out the cool stripes we found underneath!!) and will rip up the carpet once it is painted. My parents came Friday and left Sunday. Even though it was a short visit it was really fun and we managed to pack a lot in - including delicious grilled steaks and two birthday cake feasts! :-)
Isaac is infatuated with all three of his grandpa's! It is so cute, he wants to be wherever they are. When he realized he got to sit by grandpa he quickly scooted his chair around the corner to get even closer! It was funny
It was a nice weekend so we got to do some outside projects also. Hannah is checking out our blooming tree - it bloomed so late this year because it hasn't been nice hardly. Oh well, it is always pretty no matter when it flowers!

Dad and Brock did some much needed repair on the playhouse

We celebrated Brock's birthday (with his beloved fruit pizza!)
Hannah helped me weed my flower beds - I will shock all you green thumbs because I hadn't weeded them yet!! YIKES!!

Not only had I not weeded them I hadn't gotten all the leaves out of them! I won't do that again - it was really hard to get stuff out when the plants were all in the way :-)
Hannah loves being outside and it was great to have a nice weekend - FINALLY - and for it to fall on our free weekend too was GREAT!
Madison even got to have her friend Micah come over! They had fun playing and also getting Samson all set up in a comfortable "bed"
The weekend is over and what better way to top it off than a story from Daddy!!
I think we are going to get used to this freedom REAL FAST!!